It is with great joy and pride that I announce the release of Shiloh’s own, Rev. Desiré P. Grogan’s, new book: 

“Revelations from The Revelation of JESUS CHRIST:  

Chapters 1-3: A Commentary for the Believer in the Pew”


The publication release date was January 11, 2022, and it is the first volume of an upcoming series that will cover the remaining chapters of The Book of the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST!


I had the honor of writing the Foreword. Endorsers include both members of Shiloh and professors from the Howard University School of Divinity. The “revelations” contained in the volume are an outgrowth of the seven-year, weekly Bible study on The Book of the Revelation, which Rev. Grogan taught here at Shiloh under my auspices as the first ordained Daughter of Shiloh.


Rev. Wallace Charles Smith, Senior Pastor